23% of children in SA at risk of life-threatening malnutrition: UNICEF


Connect Radio News
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A new UNICEF report has revealed that South Africa is one of 20 countries that account for 65% of all children living in severe child food poverty globally.

It says 23% of children in South Africa are at risk of life-threatening malnutrition, as well as other related health complications.

UNICEF’s South Africa representative, Christine Muhigana says this is a worldwide issue.

“The report now, which was conducted in actually 100 countries around the world, including South Africa, points to the fact that this is a worldwide issue, an issue that’s affecting children in their early ages, from birth to five years old. So, cost and affordability is clearly one issue in income poor, in poor communities, families. That is an issue. The families, the mother, the caregiver, would not be able to afford the kinds of foods that the child needs.”

UNICEF SA | 23% of children in SA live in severe food poverty: 

9 days ago