Alleged serial rapist in Durban expected to apply for bail on Monday


Connect Radio News

A 50-year-old alleged serial rapist is expected to apply for bail at the Durban Magistrates Court on Monday.

He was arrested earlier this month in the Malukazi area in Durban.

It is believed the man is responsible for rapes between 2008 to the end of last year.

He is charged with the rape of a 14-year-old girl and a 32-year-old woman in Isipingo in August last year.

Additional charges are expected to be added. The court has heard that the accused used different pretexts to lure his victims to Isipingo where he raped them.

SA rape stats 

In November last year, Police Minister Bheki Cele said it is a disgrace and deeply disturbing that almost 10 000 people were brutalised by crime in a space of three months.

Crime statistics for the 2021 second quarter period from the 1st July to the 30th September showed an increase of 4.7% in sexual offence cases.

Video | Cele releases crime statistics: 

Reporting rape 

Victims of sexual assault are urged to report the abuse within 72 hours in order to receive medication that prevents the infection of HIV/AIDS. Some victims, under current lockdown, might find it hard to report abuse.

Below are some steps that one can take after a sexual assault:


6 months ago