Pilgrim’s Rest residents concerned about safety


Connect Radio News
Reading Time: < 1 minutes

Residents of Pilgrim’s Rest near Graskop in Mpumalanga are concerned about their safety due to the illegal mining activities in their area.

They say zama-zamas (illegal miners) are wreaking havoc in the old mining town of Pilgrim’s Rest.

Heavily armed illegal miners, made up of undocumented foreign nationals, are reported to be threatening the locals.

They are accused of damaging infrastructure and being involved in criminal activities.

Resident Lucky Maphanga says illegal miners are digging everywhere in search of gold. He has appealed to the authorities to intervene.

“We have got the main river which is Motlatsi, and Creek River they come and dig in these rivers. The tourists when they come, they see all these people flocking in. The safety of the tourists and community is in jeopardy.”

Maphanga adds: “The main problem is when we tried to talk to them they intimidate us. We went further to talk to the police but we are not getting assistance.”

VIDEO: Reformed former “zama zama” miner becomes professional diamond polisher


a month ago