Coalition Declaration stalls as few parties sign up: Mashatile


Connect Radio News
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Deputy President Paul Mashatile says very few political parties that attended the National Dialogue on Coalition Governments Declaration held in August have signed up for it.

The conference was hosted by his office. The aim was to have at least a framework for a coalition government in place before next year’s elections.

Answering oral questions in the National Assembly on Thursday, Mashatile said initially only the Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP) had shown interest in signing the coalition government’s declaration.

“I did say the last time it was only IFP, I am told by my office that not everybody has responded.”

Freedom Front Plus Chief Whip, Corne Mulder, questioned Mashatile on the slow uptake by parties, in light of the election being less than six months away.

“Are we not concerned finding a framework at this point, will cause problems in this political climate… won’t it have an effect on how people look at this approach and framework?

But Mashatile says getting at least a framework in place for next year, would be in everyone’s interest.

“In 2016 we were very unprepared for coalitions, didn’t have a framework, at the very least parties had their own framework. I think now we have all come to the realisation that we all need a framework. If there is a need for legislation we will discuss it, and my office will remind parties to come on board.”

Coalitions in the City of Johannesburg have been fraught with challenges and countless motions of no confidence in the executive mayor. It has led to meaningful service delivery being virtually impossible.

Mashatile says this is something that concerns him.

Deputy President Paul Mashatile’s session in Parliament: 


4 months ago