Solidarity to take legal action against AMCU and Gold One Mine


Connect Radio News
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Labour Union Solidarity on behalf of its members says it will be taking legal action against AMCU and the mine over the recent events at the Gold One Mine.

This comes after it says the company failed to act in the best interests of its employees during the sit- in/hostage situation that took place a few weeks ago at its Modder East Operations.

The union accused the mine of turning a blind to the alleged atrocities suffered by the miners which include torture, humiliation, violation and discrimination.

It is also insisting that the mine revoke all suspicions imposed on their clients’ members and instead direct attention to holding to the perpetrators from AMCU and its members accountable.

Solidarity also mentions that Gold One mandated its employees to take mandatory leave and if an employee lacks available leave days, they will be subjected to unpaid leave.

This according to them is unlawful and the employer should be held responsible for such leave. They also mention that its members will not report for duty in the coming year until the company fulfills its legal obligations of maintaining a safe work environment.


3 months ago