Chamisa calls on SADC to help Zimbabwe deal with ‘leadership deficit’


Connect Radio News

Zimbabwean politician and former President of the Citizens Coalition for Change Nelson Chamisa has called on Southern African Development Community (SADC) and the rest of Africa, to help Zimbabwe deal with what he called a leadership deficit.

He made the call ahead of next week’s meeting of SADC leaders in Zimbabwe.

Chamisa, who says that he was forced by the situation in Zimbabwe to step away from politics, called for fresh elections in the country, to fix its broken politics.

“My role is to bring that other piece of Zimbabwe, that Mr Mnangagwa doesn’t have. The country is divided by half, in fact we have the majority, but when we go according to the election that was rigged we have almost half and half, and that tell you that we have a legitimate voice- to making sure that we correct that disputed election, we correct the governance deficit that we have, we correct the issues that have bedeviled this country. Zimbabwe has not been in its best of place since the 2000s and we still have those problems. Those problems have been before SADC, before the African Union (AU), before the world, and we want these issues to be resolved.”

6 hours ago