Drakensberg Resort destroyed by veld fires


Connect Radio News

The Bushman’s Nek Berg and Trout Resort near Underberg in KwaZulu-Natal has been reduced to ashes by a run away veld fire that started in the Drakensberg Mountain on Thursday night.

That’s according to a statement posted on the resort’s Facebook account by the executive chairman of First Group, Stuart Lamont. Lamont says the resort was adequately insured and that rebuilding will begin in the coming months.

In the Facebook post, Lamont sheds light on the fire that laid waste to the resort.

He says the fire spread rapidly down the mountainside.

The chalets caught fire first. Lamont says gale force winds blew burning timbers from the log cabins across the swimming pool and set the resort’s main building ablaze as well.

Guest Barbara Whiting shared her experience on Facebook too, describing smoke and flames everywhere, as she left the resort with about 10 other cars.

Lamont has thanked farmers and residents of Underberg who came to assist.

19 hours ago