Performance contracts critical to hold ministers accountable: COSATU


Connect Radio News

COSATU in Parliament says it is happy with the renewed commitment by President Cyril Ramaphosa regarding the signing of performance agreements by all Cabinet ministers.

The labour federation was reacting to a Parliamentary reply made by the President in response to an EFF question on whether there is a set date for ministers to sign the agreements.

Ramaphosa says the envisaged signing of the agreements can only be undertaken once the Medium-Term Development Plan is formally approved by Parliament.

Matthew Parks coordinator of COSATU in Parliament, “COSATU appreciates the commitments by President Cyril Ramaphosa that performance contracts will be signed with each minister and we believe the deputy ministers as well. This is critical to hold government ministers accountable to ensure that ministers do what they are entrusted to do and what they do not do so they can held accountable and action can be taken against them. Our challenges as a country are very complex from unemployment rate to a stagnant economy, to collapsing municipalities, struggling SOEs and badly managed public services, high levels of corruption and entrenched levels of poverty and high inequality.”

Meanwhile, the President said the exercise of accountability and the expectations in the performance of ministers is entrenched in the Constitution and not dependent on the conclusion of performance agreements.

23 days ago