Zuma, MK Party take SABC to court over use of ‘GNU’ term


Connect Radio News

Former President Jacob Zuma and the uMkhonto we Sizwe (MK) political party will today face off with the South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) in the Gauteng High Court in Johannesburg over the use of the term Government of National Unity (GNU).

This comes after the MK Party filed urgent papers in the High Court in July to challenge the SABC’s use of the term.

The matter was expected to be heard on Tuesday, 13 August 2024 but had to stand down until Thursday to give parties time to file their necessary papers.

The MK party is asking the urgent Court to, amongst other things, declare the conduct of the SABC as unconstitutional and invalid alleging that it constitutes a breach of the public broadcaster’s independence and public mandate.

An affidavit before the court by MK Party leader, former President Zuma contends that what he terms as the “current arrangement in South Africa” as a result of “normal and ordinary democratic outcomes does not fit the definitional elements of a GNU” alleging that the use of the term “deliberately misleads the public”.

The SABC will vehemently oppose the MK’s application which it argues is not urgent and “constitutes an abuse of process”.

The public broadcaster will ask the court to strike the application from the roll with costs.

15 days ago