School in Mthatha closed after extortion threat


Connect Radio News

The escalating rate of extortion at Mthatha in the Eastern Cape has compelled the AbaThembu King Buyelekhaya Dalindyebo to call an urgent meeting to address the matter.

It is reported that businesses have resorted to closing to avoid the monthly protection fee racket.

Four schools from the Mthatha West area have become the latest victims. It’s alleged that last week some community leaders approached Laphumikwezi Primary School and demanded that money for a cellular network tower on the school premises be transferred to them.

The school has been closed since then. Dalindyebo has condemned the closure of the school and believes that political factors may be linked to the extortion racket.

“No one must compromise the continuation of studies by the kids because that’s our future leadership. That’s our future in the essence. So, if anybody is so arrogant as to do that, then that person respects nobody at all and we cannot give no respect to no one who’s position comes from that point of arrogance. It’s going to be dealt with because it’s too deep. It’s connected to politicians and these boys they are not doing it on their own grounds.”

18 days ago