Unisa to take Independent Assessor’s report on review


Connect Radio News

University of South Africa (Unisa) Principal and Vice-Chancellor Prof Puleng Lenkabula, has again defended the University’s decision to take an Independent Assessor’s report on review.

She also refuted allegations that she’s terrorising senior staff members.

The 2023 Independent Assessor Report conducted by Prof Themba Mosia questioned governance at the institution. This led to former Higher Education Minister, Dr Blade Nzimande, placing Unisa under administration before backtracking a month later.

The institution has since taken the report on review. On the Mosia report, Lenkabula says the findings are wrong.

“The report is not representing the true facts of the (university’s) performance,” says Lenkabula adding this includes recent developments at the institution, her leadership and the university’s collective leadership.

Lenkabula also denies that she is playing delaying tactics in submitting the report to the Department of Higher Education.

The Vice-Chancellor also weighed in on the issue of the laptop scandal at the institution.

“I am not going to apologise that in the aftermath of COVID-19, I found people with laptops of over four to five years and that we took the decision that we don’t just do bulk buying (of laptops) but we do micro purchasing. It’s within the delegation of authority. The supply chain policy has not violated any law,” she said.

She adds: “We have actually put this as part of the review program because people are trying to project the idea that there was corruption. Actually procurement processes were followed, agility was accomplished, productivity accomplished.”

Lenkabula has also defended the settlement between Unisa and one of its former employees.

“The CCMA settlement is on labour matters. It has nothing to do with sexual harassment. I said (to investigators) segment the issues so that when you come and blame the university you would have said was the CCMA, Unisa and the complainant wrong…?”

Higher Education | UNISA struggling to restore battered image:

Early this month, former Registrar of UNISA Prof Steward Mothata, accused the Vice-Chancellor of purging senior staff.

Mothata also alleged that the Vice-Chancellor is running Unisa as her personal fiefdom, ignoring professional advice and only surrounding herself with people who did not question her actions.

Prof Mothata also says he became a target after he challenged Lenkabula.

He was accused of harassment by a former employee of the institution – charges he alleges were concocted by the Vice-Chancellor.

“This person went to the CCMA as well contesting the lapsed contract that she had a legitimate expectation for her contract to be renewed.  But there was never any mention of that harassment at the CCMA itself and I don’t know what the CCMA said. But what happened is that immediately afterwards, I think four or five weeks later, stories of harassment started, which I couldn’t understand, because really there was nothing. I didn’t harass anyone.”

He adds: “They gave her more than half a million, it’s about R502 000. I wrote to the council about it. I was still there at the time, I wrote to the council and said its a bribe disguised as a settlement. There was nothing to settle.”

Mothata says he is still pursuing the matter as he believes he was unfairly dismissed. He says the institution is dragging its feet on the PWC report, which investigated his harassment case.

It’s also alleged that another former employee, Professor David Mosoma, is taking Unisa to court over unfair labour practices. Mosoma is alleged to be demanding millions of rand from the institution.

Lenkabula denies any knowledge of the issue.

“I don’t know about it and therefore, I am not going to comment. Yes, I am not going to comment I am telling you the truth I don’t know anything about it and I am not going to comment.”


4 days ago