Mthatha community accuses police of being lax on extortion crimes


Connect Radio News

National police commissioner Fannie Masemola has heard first-hand from the people of Mthatha about their experiences of extortion.

He’s visited the area to get an update on the progress of investigations into these cases.

Masemola says 36 cases are being investigated since the recently launched extortion hotline.

One of those who have experienced extortion, Vuyokazi Mbingeleli, says she lost her home to the late alleged extortionist Sakumzi Mareke and his crew after they allegedly torched her home.

“Today I’m homeless because of Mareke who burnt my home and shot at my son with four bullets but he survived that. I live with anger General Masemola because Mthata police are slow. There is no police officer including the one that was investigating my case came to me with an update.”

MMbingeleli says instead, she is always told by police that they are investigating.


General Masemola reiterates that more members of the National Intervention Unit (NIU) will be deployed to Mthatha to tackle extortion and other rampant crimes in the area.

Last week, three suspected extortionists were gunned down at an NIU base in the city as they tried to confront police officers. On Friday, another NIU member was shot at on his way to work but survived the attack.

Masemola raises concern about the under-reporting of extortion cases since an extorting hotline was launched about two weeks ago.

3 days ago