Educor students can migrate with academic credits: Boston Campus CEO


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Reading Time: 2 minutes

Boston City Campus CEO Ari Katz says students who have been affected by the de-registration of the four Educor institutions can still migrate to other institutions through the process of credit accumulation, transfer and recognition of prior learning.

This after Department of Higher Education cancelled the registrations of Damelin, CityVarsity, Lyceum Colleges and Icesa City Campus after they failed to submit their annual financial certificates and reports for 2021 and 2022.

The institutions will embark on a phase-out program until next year, whilst CityVarsity will be de-registered immediately.

Katz elaborates, “They need to gather as much evidence as possible that they’ve got to prove what they have achieved to date. So that when they present themselves for credit accumulation and recognition of prior learning, they are able to prove that they have actually achieved the following. And then the institution will have to articulate what they are presenting against the institution’s own outcomes and credit and syllabus etc to determine what its capable of providing credit for recognition of prior learning.”

Meanwhile, Dr Hendrik Botha, Head of Institution at Boston City Campus, says that Higher Education institutions have to follow very robust requirements to operate in the space.

He says it is not just self-reporting but a host of reports that have to be submitted to the department annually.

Botha’s full interview below:




4 months ago