EFF Free State accuses IEC of tampering with election results


Connect Radio News
Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) in the Free State says it believes the IEC has tampered with election results, which affected the margin it could have received. The party says although it has increased its support percentage from 12-point five eight in 2019 to 13 point four eight in 2024 it has evidence that results were altered.

The EFF has retained third position behind the African National Congress (ANC) and the Democratic Alliance (DA). Free State EFF chairperson, Mapheule Liphoko says they have lodged objections with the IEC.

“We are however, taken aback by the conduct of the IEC where we think that they were infiltrated by the members of the ANC who altered the results. And there were a whole lot of irregularities that we raised as early as yesterday. And until now we are still gathering evidence and some we have already submitted to them. So to that effect we are very disappointed by that in the IEC. But the results are very good and we are pleased with that.”

The African Congress for Transformation (ACT) has questioned the election results in the Free State saying they are not a true reflection of what transpired in various voting districts. ACT has obtained over 15 000 votes in the race for seats in the legislature of the province with all voting districts captured in the Free State.

The party’s provincial secretary, Kgaketla Mokoena, says they have lodged objections with the Electoral Commission at national level …

“Remember free state is the base of act actually so we are not happy about what we see there. Because what is happening on the portal of the iec here, we have been given a portal you can check everything they are recording what is not the reflection of what is happening in the VD’s . For example in QwaQwa what happened on the VD’s there is quite disturbing.”

2024 Elections | Political parties react to the voting results in Free State:

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