Killing of people accused of witchcraft continues in EC


Connect Radio News
Reading Time: 2 minutes

The brutal killing of old women in rural areas, accused of practising witchcraft, has reared its ugly head at KwaThahle in Lusikisiki in the Eastern Cape.

Between 2015 and this year, a total of 28 women, including children were killed, after they were accused of practising witchcraft.

In a recent incident, a 70-year-old woman was killed together with her three daughters. They were also accused of sorcery.

Survivor Noncedo Sombaza says some of the deceased were hacked to death, and torched, while others were shot. Their children were also not spared by the perpetrators, while the victims’ homesteads were torched.

Sombaza’s mother is amongst the women killed. She was accused of practising witchcraft.

“On the 26 of March, my mother was brutally killed. They stoned her to death and put stones over her body. I still do not understand what was the reason behind her killing. I am still hurt and I need closure,” she laments.

Deputy Minister of Rural Development, Zoleka Capa, turned her home into survivor’s refugee centre.

Capa says the extent of Gender-based Violence in rural areas needs intergovernmental approach to protect women and children from brutal killings.

“There has been almost 23 women that have died since that time but others have escaped and went to live in urban areas and informal settlements, because they were being named and some survived. So, even young children are also killed in the same manner even if they are not witches,” says Capa.

She says these spate of killings of women and children have brought fear to the community, especially the recent incident.

Noncedo Sombaza, another victim that lost a family member, says she’s still trying to come to terms with losing a parent.

Her mother was brutally killed.

“I lost my mother, and my three sisters. They were brutally killed while sleeping, all of them. My heart is bleeding. I am still hurt. I am still traumatized. Every time I think about them I just feel tears rolling down my  face. I am really traumatized because I do not know who had evidence that they were witches.”

Since the brutal killings started in the area, only six people have been arrested and charged with murder and arson.

The community has called for the immediate intervention of law enforcement agencies and those responsible to be brought to book.


3 days ago