Accused in teacher Kluyts murder claims violations during arrest


Connect Radio News
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The Alexandra Magistrate’s Court, situated north of Johannesburg, is currently examining the bail application of Bafana Mahungela, 21, the accused in the pre-meditated murder and rape case of Johannesburg teacher Kirsten Kluyts, 34.

Kluyts, an English teacher at Delta Park High School, was killed and raped while participating in a local sporting event in October 2023. The court heard that Mahungela, upon his arrest last month, was allegedly not informed of his rights nor shown a search warrant.

Legal proceedings commenced on Monday, with the defense questioning the state’s decision to bring Mahungela to court with ankle chains. Following a short adjournment, the ankle cuffs were removed.

In his statement to the court, Mahungela asserted that he never contemplated killing anyone and emphasized that such thoughts would indicate a disturbed mental state. When addressing his arrest, he claimed that law enforcement failed to read him his rights, alleging physical abuse during his apprehension.

Mahungela further stated that he was slapped around and taken to the police station. During the arrest, he was reportedly asked to open his cell phone and provide his password, to which he complied, citing that he did so under duress due to alleged assault.


a month ago