ACF backs police’s approach of returning ‘fire with fire’


Connect Radio News

The Activists and Citizens Forum (ACF) says it supports the approach of the police to return ‘fire with fire’ when criminals attack them.

ACF says the country currently seems to be in a war zone.

Suspected extortionists have recently been confronting police and this ended in a shootout.

The Forum’s Spokesperson Dennis Bloem says, “The police deserve our praise and not this opportunistic criticism. Crime in the country is out of control. It looks as if we are living in a war zone. Criminals don’t have respect for human lives anymore. They behave as if human rights belong to them alone. Police officers are killed as if they are the enemy.”

Bloem says the latest police statistics reveal that murder, hijacking, rape, gender-based violence, cash-in-transit heist, extortion,  dealing in drugs and the construction mafia have increased.

“We applaud the police for the no-nonsense stance and action they are taking against these monsters. Activist and Citizens Forum fully supports the police with their approach of returning fire with fire.”

6 days ago