Activists hand over memorandum demanding Commission of Inquiry over Phoenix killings


Connect Radio News

The African United Activists Movement, who earlier marched to the Phoenix police station north of Durban, has handed a memorandum over to acting eThekwini Commissioner Major General Mandlenkosi Chirwa who has promised to forward it through proper channels.

The movement is demanding that a commission of inquiry be established into the death of about 36 people in Phoenix during the unrest. 

There was a heavy police presence as a handful of people made their way to the Phoenix police station.

A special police task team investigating deaths in the Phoenix area during the widespread unrest has opened at least 32 murder dockets.

The marchers held placards written “African Lives Matters” calling for justice. More than 30 people have since been arrested – a number of them have already appeared in court.

Name and shame

Last week the Verulam Magistrate’s Court granted bail to three men accused of attempted murder and malicious damage to property. These men who are Seelan Chetty, Owen Chinnasamy, and Keillen Pillay were allegedly part of groups of people who shot at two cars on the 12th of July when the motorists were looking for petrol in Phoenix.

However, the movement’s national convenor – Sifiso Manyala – says communities want those charged to be named and shamed.

“We have been told about the people that have been arrested but those suspects are not known yet do people say we use to see people once they appear in court. But we don’t know them. People want to see the face of the suspect. This task team that has been elected must give a report back to the community. Communities are frustrated we don’t know what is happening now.”

Manyala says the movement believes that the commission of inquiry into the Phoenix killings will address several issues especially in relation to inequality.

“People are angry, people are also hungry. So we staged this march because we believe that with the commission of inquiry that we ask it to be established we believe that commission will make a report and recommendations as to why the people are always reliant and dependent on the Phoenix community. We want that commission of inquiry to recommend that People must have access to mobile police station and health facilities.”

But chairperson of the peace committee Chris Biyela says they are satisfied with the ongoing police investigations into the killings.

“Because we were working together with the police enforcement we are on the ground collectively and we get the updates whenever we are seeking for the information of what is happening we get informed and we see the results because our objective is that we want those who were identified as criminals to be arrested with proper chargers.

The plan was that tomorrow on the 15th of August (Sunday) we will do a community drive with the minister where we will be giving feedback of everything that has taken place everything that has been established.” Reporting by Nonhlakanipho Magwaza

In the video below activist hand over a memorandum at Phoenix police station:

2 years ago