ANC E Cape welcomes court decision exonerating Mabuyane in Madikizela memorial scandal


Connect Radio News

The African National Congress (ANC) in the Eastern Cape has welcomed the Bhisho High Court judgment that set aside the report and the remedial action of the Public Protector that found that Eastern Cape premier, Oscar Mabuyane and others benefited from Winnie Madikizela Mandela memorial service funds at the Mbizana municipality.

Mabuyane says his legal team is applying on considering taking action against the suspended Public Protector, Advocate Busisiwe Mkhwebane.  This comes after the High Court in Bhisho set aside costs, her report and remedial action against him and former Public Works MEC, Babalo Madikizela.

Mkhwebane found that Mabuyane, Madikizela and the provincial ANC benefited to the tune of R450 000, R350 000 and R280 000 respectively from the R1.1 million allegedly siphoned from Mbizana municipality. The money was allocated for the memorial service of Winnie Madikizela Mandela.

The court also found the PP’s findings inconsistent with the constitution.

ANC spokesperson in the province, Gift Nqondi, says it is an outcome they expected.

“I think the court reaffirmed the ANC’s assertion that the findings and remedial action contained in the Public Protector’s Report were irrational, unlawful, unreasonable and unfair and that the Court set aside the report. We also reiterate our call and remind all citizens that the Office of the Public Protector like any other Chapter 9 institution has its primary function which is the protection and strengthening of our democracy and not entangle itself to palace politics.”


3 months ago