ANC lambasts DA for involving foreign governments in SA’s elections


Connect Radio News
Reading Time: 2 minutes

The African National Congress (ANC) has lambasted the Democratic Alliance (DA) for sending a letter to the US Secretary of State and other foreign affairs ministers in Europe to ask for help in ensuring no foreign interference in South Africa’s upcoming election.

South Africans are set to vote on the 29th of May. The ANC says the DA is offering-up the country’s sovereignty on a silver platter.

ANC spokesperson Mahlengi Bhengu-Motsiri says they are outraged that political parties are now appealing to foreign governments to interfere in SA’s electoral processes.

“We don’t even know what is the basis for these tantrums by the DA. Firstly it’s not surprising for us as the ANC. What do you expect from a party that wants to have international relations powers? What do you expect from a party whose leader talks about the war in Gaza saying that one man’s genocide is another man’s freedom. What do you expect about protecting the sovereignty on SA to be able to run a free and fair elections without the interference of any powers in the west and the global north?”

Video: 2024 Elections – ANC Spokesperson Mahlengi Bhengu-Motsiri discusses leaked parliamentary list

The ANC says it welcomes the Independent Electoral Commission’s swift reaction to probe of the party’s candidates list, which has been leaked to social media prematurely. Reports have also emerged that Candidate’s lists of MK party is also circulating on the internet.

IEC Chief Electoral Officer, Masego Sheburi, has confirmed that internal process are under way to determine the source of the ANC leak. Bhengu-Motsiri has raised concerns about the leaked documents, which contain personal information like ID numbers of candidates.

“This is a violation of people’s personal information which could render them susceptible to all manners of scams and it’s just unethical on any level. However, we are comforted by the swift act of by the IEC the assurances that the nation has been given. We also want to say that this is not the reflection on the IEC as an institution, as we all know the IEC has been diligent in its processes since 1994. We urge the IEC to get to the bottom of this because it involves the names of our colleagues.”

3 days ago