ANC NEC to focus on members that faced Integrity Committee


Connect Radio News
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The ANC says it will soon hold a Special National Executive Committee (NEC) meeting to focus on the cases of members who have appeared before its Integrity Committee.

The party has emphasised its commitment to renewal after former President Thabo Mbeki last week lamented the ANC for its failure to renew itself despite resolving to do so at its 2017 conference.

The diagnostic report delivered by the then Secretary-General Gwede Mantashe said the ANC faced diminishing public trust as members of the party faced allegations of corruption and the party was confronted by factionalism.

During the party’s NEC at the weekend, Secretary-General Fikile Mbalula said almost 100 members had appeared before the Committee, including party President Cyril Ramaphosa. Briefing the media on the outcomes of the meeting, Mbalula says the party is committed to improving integrity management within its structures.

‘The ANC remains committed to organisational renewal and will continue engaging all veterans including former presidents of the ANC and the country. The ANC is committed to improving integrity management within its ranks. The work of the Integrity Commission is at the top of the agenda of the ANC. In this regard, the ANC will dedicate a special NEC to focus solely on the work of the Integrity Committee. In the next two weeks, a virtual meeting of this nature will be convened to focus mainly on the integrity issues.”

Full media briefing below:


7 hours ago