ANC warns members against defying party instructions: Mbalula


Connect Radio News
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Newly elected African National Congress (ANC) Secretary General, Fikile Mbalula has warned members against defying party instructions.

Earlier this month, at least five ANC MPs voted in favour of the adoption of the Section 89 Independent Panel report in the National Assembly. Their matter has since been referred to the incoming National Executive Committee (NEC).

Mbalula warned that such acts would not be tolerated. “There is no self-respecting political party that will go to parliament and vote to impeach its own president. That decision can only be taken by the ANC. No member we have sent to parliament will exist on its own and have its own conscience. If you want your own conscience then open your own political party. Here it is democratic centralism but if you call yourself an ANC member there are rules, there is a party line and if you don’t want to follow the party line then you belong elsewhere.”

New leadership

After a gruelling process, the ANC has elected new leaders. Three women feature in the Top 7 – among them, Dr Gwen Ramokgopa. Ramokgopa made history by becoming the first woman to be elected as Treasurer-General of the ANC since its unbanning in 1990.

The composition of the top leadership structure also includes a second Deputy Secretary General after the amendment of the party’s constitution. A position filled by Maropene Ramokgopa. At 42, Ramokgopa is the youngest member of the newly elected Top 7.

The party has also finally filled the critical Secretary-General position with the election of Fikile Mbalula after the suspension of Ace Magashule last year.

State Capture report

Addressing the media on the sidelines of the party’s 55th National Conference in Nasrec, south of Johannesburg, on Monday evening, Mbalula has defended some of the party’s members in the Top 7 who have been implicated in the State Capture report.

The ANC’s re-elected National Chairperson, Gwede Mantashe and first Deputy Secretary General, Nomvula Mokonyane were both fingered in the report in relation to BOSASA.

The report also recommended that Mokonyane be investigated and face possible prosecution for her involvement with the company. Mbalula, however, says the senior leaders have not been arrested.

“These members you’re talking about have taken the report on review in relation to the State Capture and none of them have actually been arrested or facing the wrath of the law in terms of their issues. If anything else happened to anyone in terms of the law, the ANC law guided by this conference will kick in and that is what is going to happen.”

Phala Phala farm saga

Mbalula has confirmed that the party’s Integrity Commission did not table the report on the Phala Phala farm saga. Last week, the party’s NEC deferred the commission’s report on Phala Phala to the party’s elective conference.

But Mbalula says they will deal with the matter as it develops.

“The report of the Integrity Commission is part and parcel of the organisational report that was presented by the former deputy president DD Mabuza. Should there be any developments in relation to that, we will communicate accordingly. At the present moment, there has not been anything for this conference about Phala Phala.”

Zuma-Ramaphosa relations

The ANC Secretary-General says they will continue to encourage cordial relations between former president Jacob Zuma and his successor Cyril Ramaphosa.

Zuma has launched a private prosecution against Ramphosa at the High Court in Johannesburg, accusing him of assisting State advocate Billy Downer to violate the sections of the National Prosecuting Act. The charges relate to News24’s publication of details of Zuma’s medical condition, which were attached to court papers lodged at the High Court in Pietermaritzburg last year.

Ramaphosa had given Zuma until the end of business on Monday to withdraw his case or face a legal challenge. The deadline has now been extended to Wednesday.

Sanctions against Zimbabwe 

Mbalula has called for the removal of sanctions against Zimbabwe. He says the ANC will strengthen its relations with the sister organisations in the SADC region.


a year ago