Authorities probe abuse at ABH children’s home in Chatsworth


Connect Radio News

An investigation by the KwaZulu-Natal Department of Social Development has uncovered more irregularities in the children’s wing of the Aryan Benevolent Home (ABH) in Chatsworth, south of Durban.

MEC Mbali Shinga ordered the departmental probe in July, after it came to light that four staff members were dismissed for meting out corporal punishment.

Shinga has briefed the home’s management on the report.

She said staff have not been vetted against the Child Protection Register.

It has been found that children cannot exercise their religious rights and the prescribed diet is not being followed.

Head of Department Nelisizwe Vilakazi says, “But if the children are not given food in line with the menu maybe they are given bread now and again, then it becomes a challenge. It does total up to malnutrition as well as abuse. We are funding each child that is in a child and youth care centre, for example it’s R4 000 per child per month.  So, you can’t then afford a situation where children are not given a fair meal in terms of the menu.”

Members of the home’s management were not available for comment. Vilakazi says they are studying the report.

“And then there is a process to be followed. The board, first of all they need to go through the report. And then we have made ourselves available as the Department of Social Development, as the honourable MEC has indicated that we are the custodians of the children. So we’ve made ourselves available to assist them to come up with a turnaround strategy to address the findings that are there in the report. So that is the process going forward. And then we will be monitoring the implementation of the plans that they will come up with.”

ABH Children’s Home | Authorities probe child abuse allegations

14 hours ago