Authorities ready to receive remains of fallen heroes


Connect Radio News

The authorities at the Freedom Park Heritage Site in Pretoria are ready to receive the remains of 42 freedom fighters who were repatriated to South Africa from Zambia and Zimbabwe this week.

President Cyril Ramaphosa is this morning expected to officiate at the repatriation and restitution homecoming ceremony of the freedom fighters whose remains were buried in exile during the apartheid era.

The remains of the freedom fighters were received at the Waterkloof Air Force Base in Centurion on Wednesday.

They include those of former African National Congress secretary-general Duma Nokwe, former Pan Africanist Congress leader Letsholo Edwin Makoti, and renowned journalist Todd Matshikiza.

From the battlefields of Zimbabwe and the training camps of Zambia, South Africa’s fallen heroes are finally home.

Family members, dignitaries and the nation will gather to pay tribute to those who paid the ultimate price for the freedom South Africa enjoys today.

Today, South Africa will remember their sacrifices, bravery and unwavering commitment to liberation – a poignant reminder that we stand tall because they fell.

And though they fought for a freedom they did not get a chance to enjoy, it is hoped that they will rest knowing that South Africa now embraces diversity and a constitutional democracy.

Meanwhile, families of the freedom fighters have gathered at the Freedom Park Heritage Site for a prayer session ahead of the official ceremony.

Nokwe’s daughter Nomvuyo, is among them. She says the fact that the homecoming ceremony is taking place during National Heritage Month means that it will be remembered every year.

“When we look at and celebrate heritage it will be all about these heroes and heroines of our struggle within South Africa and outside South Africa, as well as ensuring that there’s a great awareness for our youth because it looks like there’s a death of information that doesn’t go to the youth to tell them about our story and our struggle. They just start post-1994, they just think apartheid never happened, but this is the evidence.”

Repatriation Homecoming Ceremony | 42 mortal remains to be re-buried in SA: 


4 hours ago