Banyana Banyana eager to play in Wafcon despite uncertainty


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Banyana Banyana coach Desiree Ellis hopes the Women’s Africa Cup of Nations (Wafcon) tournament will still take place later this year.

While the tournament is scheduled to be hosted by Morocco, the Confederation of African Football (CAF) is yet to confirm if the biennial tournament will go ahead.

Banyana are the reigning African Champions, having won the tournament in Algeria two years ago. At the time, the beat Morocco 2-1.

The biennial tournament was initially cancelled four years ago due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

“We keep hoping and praying that it will not be cancelled like in 2020 because it will take us a couple of steps backwards. In 2022, we went to the Wafcon and won and in 2024 we look forward to another Wafcon. We just hope it does not happen again prior to the World Cup qualifiers because we are brining new players and it’s a different coemption,” she said.

Despite the uncertainty, Banyana will continue to prepare for the tournament.

The team has so far secured two friendly international matches against the ever improving Senegal and Ellis is looking forward to the challenge.

25 days ago