Billy Masetlha acknowledged for his contribution to peace and stability in Africa


Connect Radio News
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Diplomats at the funeral of the late South African ambassador to Algeria, Billy Masetlha, in northern Johannesburg have acknowledged his contribution to peace and stability in Africa.

This comes at a time where the eastern DRC has experienced conflict between the government and the M23 revels.

Speaking at Masetlha’s funeral service, former ambassador, Welile Nhlapo said Masetlha was involved in many mediation processes including the DRC talks where South Africa was involved.

“The draft that was presented in Lusaka as a basis for agreeing on a framework for inter-Congolese dialogue, of course, Billy, because of what he was doing as his job and having understood that for any peaceful resolution of any conflict in this continent, intelligence is central. If it is not intelligence-driven, we are not yet dealing with the dynamics of any of the conflict. So, Billy became central because he knew all the spies in the region,” says Nhlapo.

The sister of the late ambassador, Billy Masetlha has told mourners at his funeral service at the Fourways Memorial Park north of Johannesburg, that her brother shunned corruption.

Dipuo Masetlha says her brother was very proud to be involved in investigations into corruption.

Billy Masetlha passed away on Sunday after a long illness at the age of 68. He was the South African Ambassador to Algeria, and served government in various capacities, including as Director-General of the National Intelligence Agency.

Dipuo says her brother was focused on serving the country.

Ambassador Billy Masetlha funeral under way:

a year ago