Boy Mamabolo threatens to interdict swearing-in of Limpopo MPs


Connect Radio News
Reading Time: 2 minutes

African National Congress (ANC) MP Boy Mamabolo has threatened to approach the High Court to interdict the swearing-in of Members of Parliament should his party not include his name in its candidates list.

Mamabolo is accusing the ANC of illegally removing his name from the party’s Limpopo National Council candidates list.

The province is expected to contribute about 18 candidates to the party’s National Council of Provinces (NCOP) list.

Mamabolo’s lawyers have today written to the party giving it until the end of business to respond, threatening to lodge an urgent interdict.

He says after his initial court challenge was dismissed on the basis of lacking urgency, the party promised to resolve the matter internally but did not do so.

“We were told that we will deal with this matter internally, we would solve it but up to so far, no one has come to me so that we resolve this matter amicably. So, we decided to give them until 5pm today for them to respond. If they don’t respond, we will approach the High Court on an urgent basis to interdict the swearing-in ceremony of members from Limpopo next week because we were told it will be resolved internally but, no one is responding to our messages.”

The ANC in Limpopo says it is ready to defend its position in court should Mamabolo lodge his application.

ANC Limpopo spokesperson Jimmy Machaka says, “We wish to confirm as the ANC that we are not going to accept to be bullied by comrade Boy Mamabolo and the position as far as this matter is concerned has not changed, we maintain that our decision was rational and justifiable.  Any attempt to drag the ANC back to court, the ANC will vigorously defend itself.

14 days ago