ActionSA’s withdrawal from multi-party coalition is betrayal: Brink


Connect Radio News

City of Tshwane Executive Mayor Cilliers Brink has described the withdrawal of ActionSA from the multi-party coalition as a betrayal of the City’s residents.

ActionSA regional leader, Jackie Mathabathe, announced the end of their relationship during a joint media briefing with the African National Congress (ANC), Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) and other minority parties on Thursday afternoon, where they confirmed they will be working together to oust Brink.

The ANC has temporarily withdrawn a motion of no confidence against Brink after he approached the courts to block it.

Brink says they are disappointed with ActionSA.

“We as the coalition have had no notice of this, no formal writing , no clear indication that was going to be the case but we can only accept that given what has happened, given the statement made by Herman Mashaba and others, given the fact that our repeated attempts to meet with the leadership of ActionSA has been rebuffed that in fact this is the situation. It is deeply disappointing; I regard it as the betrayal of our coalition and residents of Tshwane.”



9 days ago