Calls for Phoenix police and community to fight crime together


Connect Radio News

Calls have intensified for the community of Phoenix, north of Durban, to work with police to fight crime in the area.

This after a robbery at a jewellery store at the Phoenix Plaza over the weekend.

About 15 gunmen opened fire on police and security before fleeing with stolen jewellery and cash.

Moulana Mohamed Tariq is the chairperson of Spiritual Crime Prevention in Phoenix.

“I think this type of crime is actually scary because obviously people want to go to a plaza area for shopping – it’s senior citizens, it’s children and it’s every part of the community that goes there for shopping, and if you are not safe while shopping, this poses a lot of questions to us. We call upon all crime fighters to come together and there would be notices sent out via the crime-fighting groups to see how we can get together and fight crime,” says Tariq.

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a month ago