Case of two Laudium sisters facing charges of child neglect and culpable homicide postponed


Connect Radio News
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The case against two sisters facing charges relating to the death of five children who perished in a shack fire at the Itireleng informal settlement in Laudium in Pretoria last month has been postponed by the Atteridgeville Magistrate’s court to next week.

Lindiwe Machaka is a grandmother of two of the children, aged one and two while Zanele is a mother to the three other children.

It is alleged that the two women locked the five children inside their shack and went to a nearby tavern.

“The two Machaka sisters briefly appeared at the Atteridgeville Magistrate’s court. They are facing charges of five counts of culpable homicide and child neglect. The matter was postponed to the 21 of September for the Section 6 F report,” says NPA spokesperson Lumka Mahanjana.

2 months ago