Cases against Hlophe’s JSC designation likely to be prioritised


Connect Radio News

The organisation Judges Matter says it is likely that cases filed in the Western Cape High Court against the designation of uMkhonto weSizwe (MK) Party Parliament leader John Hlophe to serve on the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) will be prioritised.

Several organisations and parties have filed cases in various courts against Hlophe who was impeached as a judge.

Researcher at Judges Matter Mbekezeli Benjamin says all the parties make a similar argument in the court papers.

“They say it was irrational for the National Assembly to designate a member who has been found guilty of gross misconduct and breached the ethics of the constitutional and judiciary as a member of the JSC,” he explains.

However, the MK Party previously said that by designating Hlophe to the JSC, the National Assembly had acted within its constitutional mandate.

6 hours ago