Children from poor families in the Eastern Cape hardest hit by malnutrition related illnesses


Connect Radio News

Communities in Ngqeleni and Libode in the rural Eastern Cape have identified malnutrition-related illnesses among scores of children from poor families.

There have been reported cases of kwashiorkor in both areas. Unemployment and joblessness are reported to be the main factors contributing to the high poverty levels.

The situation continues to deteriorate as the number of undocumented South Africans is increasing. Anam Conjwa says two of her three children are recovering from Kwashiorkor.

She says she also has no Identity Documents, and her children have no Birth Certificates.

“I have no identity documents, my mother passed away without having an ID. So, when I was supposed to get an ID, I was required to bring my mother who unfortunately had no identity document. Now, I have three kids 11. 9- and 6-year-old and they do not have birth certificates because I do not have an ID. I survived by handouts from the neighbours, sometimes I use to post my food request to social media and people come forward and help me.”

Reports of child malnutrition and starvation on the rise in Eastern Cape:

3 months ago