Civic organisations call on Joburg Mayor Gwamanda to resign


Connect Radio News

Civic organizations in Johannesburg have added their voices to calls for the City’s Mayor, Kabelo Gwamanda, to resign. This is in support of political parties such as the Democratic Alliance (DA) and ActionSA, which are calling for his withdrawal from his position.

Gwamanda’s critics say he is not fit to hold office and lacks the vision to lead the country’s largest and most important economic hub.

The Johannesburg Crisis Alliance is today expected to hold a press briefing to address urgent calls for an improvement in the delivery of basic services and revisit the increase in tariffs.

The press conference will be held with the Ahmed Kathrada Foundation, the Organisation Undoing Tax Abuse, Action for Accountability, Defend Our Democracy and the Johannesburg Inner-City Partnership.

Gwamanda is a member of the Al Jama-ah party and has been mayor for over a year.

7 hours ago