Coalition agreement on the cards in KwaZulu-Natal


Connect Radio News
Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Democratic Alliance (DA) in KwaZulu-Natal says its determination to exclude the uMkhonto we Sizwe (MK) party and the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) has led to negotiations for a coalition agreement between the African National Congress (ANC), DA, Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP) and the National Freedom Party (NFP).

The MK Party won in the province but without an outright majority and the IFP remains the official opposition.

DA provincial chairperson Dean Macpherson says they have put aside historical differences in their negotiations. 

“We have to put the people of KwaZulu-Natal and South Africa ahead of sometimes narrow party political interests. In this case, there are only six political parties represented in the legislature. There has been a consolidation of political parties – not a fragmentation in this case. So that only really leaves four other political parties or four, including ourselves to work with. So that means we have to look at other political parties and say how do we come together around an agreed principles and set of values.”

PODCAST | Coalition agreement talks underway in KZN: 

Talks at national level 

The party met yesterday to discuss power-sharing arrangements after it garnered nearly 22% of the national vote, won the majority in the Western Cape, and showed a presence in all other provinces.

The DA also discussed looking at the ANC’s proposal to form a government of national unity (GNU).

DA’s National Spokesperson Solly Malatsi says the party welcomes a possible working relationship with the ANC.

The party also said the Democratic Alliance is keeping its cards close to its chest with regards to talks around coalitions and the formation of a Government of National Unity.

VIDEO | GNU – DA keeping its cards close to its chest: 



14 days ago