Community of George lends a helping hand to victims of shack fires


Connect Radio News

The community of George in the Western Cape has come together to help and support the victims of the recent spate of shack fires in Thembalethu.

Three people lost their lives in two separate incidents and 17 families were left homeless. Donations from churches and other organisations have poured in.

A series of shack fires took place in June and this month. The survivors were left helpless.

“We received material to rebuild our homes. We are also grateful to all sponsors because we didn’t have places to sleep,” says fire victim, Thandokazi Phutha.

“We have clothes and toiletries because of people that care about us. We are grateful for the support, thank you,” Thandeka Mangqangwana, Fire victim.

Fortunately, good Samaritans heard about their plight and stepped in.

“We can assist and help our community in such a disaster; not only disaster like a fire, but many disasters. The weather conditions, disasters like that, people have to be evacuated. We want to make an impact, a change in our community,” says South African Zionist Churches’ Archbishop Phumzile Mkhohlwa.

The George Municipality also helped rebuild the shacks.

“Firstly, when the incidents happen it’s our first responders, the fire services which came out first, our councillors, standing next to me, which was first on scene to try and assist the community. We then got our social services, which assisted the community with placing them somewhere safe and warm for the night and also providing at least a meal. We also went further with the Department of Human Settlements in the municipality to reach out to our national department to assist us with the structures you see here,” says George Mayor, Jackie Von Brandis.

With shack fires a common occurrence during the winter months, the families are praying that they are not affected again.

Video: Donations for victims of George shack fires pour in as community comes together to assist

10 days ago