Concerns over low child support grant ahead of Budget Speech


Connect Radio News

Low income earners in South Africa who have access to the child support grant say the money they get every month is not enough.

Night guard at Vision Tactical, Elmon Radebe (not his real name) says the SASSA grant money is too little.

Radebe has three children to feed: “Two of my kids are over the age of 20 so, they are able to go out and find jobs. But the third one is only 10 and needs clothing and food. I get R450 from the grant. It doesn’t cover all the basics. Transport, food and everything else has gone up and it keeps going up. Inflation is a killer, sometimes I cannot afford to buy clothes for my kids let alone myself.”

When he is not on duty, Radebe makes extra money by selling things: “I sell cigarettes, flowers, cellphone chargers and even newspapers on the side of the road.”

Radebe says he’s hopefull that the Minister of Finance, Enoch Godongwana’s Budget Speech on Wednesday will bring some good news, I am really hoping that the grant will go up by R700 or more … that would be better..”

Meanwhile, the Financial and Fiscal Commission (FFC) has recommended that government re look the Child Support Grant to factor in the rising cost of living.

The commission says the grant system in the country is considered on the grounds of poverty and inequality reduction but rarely on consumption.

a month ago