ANC welcomes Contralesa’s GNU Working Group


Connect Radio News
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The African National Congress (ANC) says it appreciates the fact that the Congress of Traditional Leaders (Contralesa) has put together a Working Group on the role of Traditional Leaders in the Government of National Unity (GNU).

In a statement, the party says it met with Contralesa leaders on Monday in line with the GNU’s Statement of Intent principle aimed at,  “Stabilising local government, effective cooperative governance, the assignment of appropriate responsibilities to different spheres of government and review of the role of traditional leadership in the governance framework.”

The Statement of Intent (SOI) signed by 10 political parties, commits the GNU parties to a National Dialogue process with all sectors of society with the aim of developing a national social compact that enables the country to meet the aspirations of the National Development Plan.

The ANC says in preparation for the National Dialogue, it will work with Contralesa in a coordinated manner in all provinces on inputs regarding the role of Traditional Leaders in the GNU.

3 hours ago