Contralesa cautions against abduction of initiates


Connect Radio News
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The Congress of Traditional Leaders of South Africa (Contralesa) has warned initiation schools not to abduct young boys and force them to undergo initiation for selfish reasons.

According to Contralesa president Kgosi Larmeck Mokoena, some initiation schools hire other boys to abduct initiates at a fee.

Mokoena says those found guilty of violating initiation policies will be arrested and their permits revoked.

“Thank you to all the principals of our initiation schools for adhering to our request when we say they must go to the mountain until after the national elections. Initiation is now in full swing. We call upon our principals of these schools to adhere to all the stated requirements,” he says.

Mokoena further emphasises that owners of schools had to desist from kidnapping young boys and transporting them to the mountain without their consent.

16 days ago