Contralesa shocked by allegations of payment to keep positions


Connect Radio News

Contralesa President Kgosi Mathupa Mokoena has warned some traditional leaders in KwaZulu Natal against forcing headmen and women to pay to remain in the leadership structure.

Contralesa in KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) revealed that some traditional leaders allegedly force headmen and women to pay money in order to protect their positions. Mokoena says if these allegations are true this will tarnish the traditional leadership institution.

He’s also appealed to the Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs to intervene,

“Contralesa is shocked by these allegations where some traditional leaders in KwaZulu-Natal are forcing their headmen to pay some fees in making sure that they are not removed from their positions. If these allegations are true, we want to call upon these traditional leaders to please stop it. This action is tarnishing the image of this institution. Self-respecting traditional leaders will never behave this way. Contralesa calls upon our government especially the department of CoGTA, to protect these vulnerable headmen and headwomen.”

3 days ago