Cosatu in Parliament plans to discuss MPs salaries with Ramaphosa


Connect Radio News
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Congress of South African Trade Unions (Cosatu) in Parliament says it plans to have some discussions with newly sworn-in President Cyril Ramaphosa and members of the incoming executive around the annual increase for Members of Parliament and other public representatives.

Earlier this year, the president approved a 2.5% increment across the board for MPs, as well as members of the provincial legislatures and premiers.

New MPs will earn about R1.27 million annually or R100 000 a month.

“We think we do need to have a discussion at some stage. Hopefully soon, and definitely, before the next increase which will be due next year. What is the proper level of remuneration for members of parliament, members of the executive in particular, premiers, and executive mayors? Because at times government pleads poverty and says they cannot afford to pay nurses, teachers police officers, cleaners and security guards. At times politicians across the political party lines, especially some of the opposition parties which now find themselves on the journey have complained about the wage bill. We think we need to shift resources to those who earn the least, the nurses, the police officers, the defence personnel, the Home Affairs staff, the security guards, the cleaners and so forth,” says Matthew Parks, Cosatu’s Parliamentary Coordinator.

Video: Salaries for MP’s, ministers revealed

4 days ago