Court dismisses appeal against phone data in Mandela Funeral Scandal


Connect Radio News
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The appeal application to not have the cellphone data admitted as evidence in the Mandela Funeral Scandal trial sitting in the High Court in Bhisho in the Eastern Cape has been dismissed.

The Bhisho High Court judge in the matter Igna Stretch believes the application is nothing but a delay tactic. Accused number one in the matter Phumlani Mkolo made the application to the court following the dismissal of an initial application to have the states evidence which included cellphone records removed from the evidence roll.

Mkolo believed that the judge was incorrect by granting the admission of cellphone data as evidence and did not provide compelling reasons regarding her decision.

Mkolo and 11 other accused are alleged to have misappropriated R10-million from the Buffalo City Metro in 2013 during funeral preparations of the late former statesman, Nelson Mandela. Presiding Judge Stretch says Mkolo’s contentions are baseless.

“There is no substance in the contention that this court is acting arbitrary and without being accountable in the times of giving reasons has not arrived. This is really a case of delay aligned from quite ironically a play within a play in Shakespeare’s play. It is contended that the only side effect would be delay.”

4 days ago