Critics of nuclear must use scientific arguments: Ramokgopa


Connect Radio News

Electricity and Energy Minister Dr. Kgosientsho Ramokgopa says political leaders and policymakers who have allowed corruption, inefficiency, and non-scientific factors to interfere with the nuclear process have tarnished the reputation of the technology.

Ramokgopa was addressing a seminar on nuclear energy under way in Pretoria. It aims to facilitate a comprehensive understanding of the current state and future prospects of nuclear energy in South Africa.

He says critics of nuclear must use scientific arguments.

“But I also make the point that there’s a critical mass of scientists who have not left here. So it’s important that those who have left and those who are present, who are able to articulate a coherent and compelling story of nuclear and were able to illustrate how nuclear can contribute to our sovereign ambitions. That’s why I say today is a great day. So that is in the domain of science.”

4 days ago