Cut in W Cape teaching posts a threat to education: Naptosa


Connect Radio News

National Professional Teachers’ Organisation of South Africa (Naptosa) in the Western Cape has expressed disappointment over the expected cut of over 2 400 teaching posts in the province.

The provincial Education Department last week announced that 2 407 posts would be cut next year due to national government’s budget cuts.

Naptosa Provincial Head Riedwaan Ahmed says the intended cuts will severely impact the quality of education.

Ahmed says, “We are aware already that we have overcrowded classrooms and the projected teacher-to-learner ratio of 1/36.7 in our view does not in reality translate into the classroom.”

“So, therefore, to cut further posts at this stage within education will place a further burden on the education system. Also keeping in mind for example that our educators are already in a challenging situation with overcrowded classrooms and the well-being of educators for us is also very important,” he adds.

Ahmed says some schools in the province are seeing a reduction of up to 10 teacher posts.

“For contract educators, their contracts will not be renewed with effect from the 1st of January 2025, which means that they will be unemployed and so that is a challenge for Naptosa. Then the permanent educators will be declared what we used to call, in excess, the new term is additional to the staff establishment. So if you are permanently employed, you will be declared additional to staff establishment if you have been identified as in excess and then the department has a process of attempting to suitably place these educators.”

VIDEO | Interview with Naptosa’s Riedwaan Ahmed SABC News’ Morning Live programme:

2 days ago