DA supports Gwarube’s decision to halt R9.8 billion NSNP tender


Connect Radio News

The Democratic Alliance (DA) has expressed support for Basic Education Minister Siviwe Gwarube’s decision to halt the issuing of a R9.8 billion tender for the National School Nutrition Programme (NSNP).

The tender, which aimed to centralise procurement for the NSNP under a single provider, has been paused to review the quality of the service provider.

DA National spokesperson Karabo Khakhau says the party has always opposed the centralisation of power. She welcomes the Minister’s decision, noting that it aligns with the DA’s values.

Khakhau emphasises the risks of centralisation, saying, “Centralisation means that you have only one person that you can hold accountable and if that person does not show up or step or if they fumble on the job, then a whole 9.6 million learners are at risk of going hungry at school. This is something that we do not want, particularly in a country that is as unequal as ours with the levels of poverty that we have.”

4 hours ago