Defense to start cross-examination of cellphone expert in Meyiwa murder trial


Connect Radio News

A police investigator on the stand in the Senzo Meyiwa murder trial will continue testifying when the trial resumes in the High Court in Pretoria. The defense is expected to start cross-examining Colonel Lambertus Steyn  on his evidence-in-chief, in which explosive details about links among the five accused, and suggestions of cover-ups emerged last week.

Steyn, the state’s fourth witness in the renewed trial, revealed that a sim swap was allegedly done on Meyiwa’s cellphone number, a day after he was murdered.

He also revealed how the fifth accused Fisokuhle Ntuli, allegedly communicated with Meyiwa’s then-girlfriend Kelly Khumalo before he was shot and killed.

Steyn has also testified on the movement of Meyiwa’s phone after he was murdered. It received a call at 22h11 when it was connected to a tower located in Botshelong Hospital’s premises.

It is understood that around that time, Meyiwa had already been rushed to the hospital where he was declared dead on arrival.

Kelly’s sister Zandile Khumalo previously told the court that when they returned from the hospital they found Meyiwa’s phone on the kitchen floor slightly under the stove.

Previous witnesses have testified that one of the intruders who entered the house had dreadlocks. And it emerged last week that the phone confiscated from accused number 3, Mthobisi Mncube when he was arrested showed he had dreadlocks.

Meyiwa Murder Trial | Cellphone links revealed between accused:

9 days ago