DRC’s South Kivu governor clears miners to resume operations


Connect Radio News

The Governor of South Kivu province in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has approved the resumption of all mining activities in the region but said authorities would continue their investigation into the sector.

All mining activities in the restive region, which is rich in minerals such as gold, copper, diamond, tin, tantalum and cobalt, were suspended in July when Governor Jean-Jacques Purusi Sadiki ordered companies and operators to leave mining sites to “restore order to mining operations”.

In August, the suspension was lifted with the exception of gold extraction. A statement published by a government spokesperson said back then that consultations with operators in the industry would continue.

Following a preliminary investigation after the ban in July, more than 550 mining operators out of nearly 650 were found to be operating without proper authorisations, a provincial mines minister told Reuters in early September.

7 hours ago