Dysfunctional municipalities leads to poor service delivery says AG


Connect Radio News

The Auditor General (AG), Tsakani Maluleke says there is a link between disclaimer audit opinions over multiple years and a dysfunctional municipality.

The Auditor General’s office has briefed the Portfolio Committee on Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs on the 2022-23 local government audit outcomes.

She says this dysfunction in municipalities leads to poor service delivery.

“We believe that the debate about whether or not a disclaimer of audit opinion can exist alongside good service delivery is closed. We can all agree that disclaimers of audit opinions especially year on year. Those are intolerable and we have raised the alarm and also given insight on what is wrong with these disclaimers. We have also raised particular recommendations for provincial departments of COGTA, offices of the premier as well as provincial treasuries to support municipalities to get out of that space.”

VIDEO | Office of the AG briefs Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs Portfolio Committee:

2 days ago