E Cape Agriculture assesses veld fire damage in Qumbu


Connect Radio News
Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Eastern Cape Agriculture Department is assessing the damage caused by veld fires in Zilandana and Mahlungulu villages in Qumbu.

The fires have killed nearly 200 sheep and destroyed about 20 hectares of grazing land.

Department spokesperson Atule Joka says, “The MEC for the Department of Rural Development and Agrarian Reform, Honourable Nonceba Kontsiwe, is concerned about the devastating fires that have resulted in the loss of livestock.”

“The MEC acknowledges the detrimental effect of these fires on the local livestock producers. Currently, assessments are ongoing to determine the full extent of the damage, after which the department will intervene to support the affected farmers,” says Joka.

EC Agriculture assesses veld fire damage

Meanwhile, in KwaZulu-Natal, the Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs Department (CoGTA) says that government resources are extremely strained. The province is still recovering from last month’s tornado, which killed 12 people and caused millions of rand in infrastructure damage in oThongathi.

The fires in Eshowe and surrounding areas, which began on Sunday, have now been contained. The fires killed one person, affected livestock, and damaged homes and infrastructure.

CoGTA spokesperson Nonala Ndlovu says, “We are still dealing with the matter of oThongathi, although the different departments have now taken up their responsibilities and they are providing to the communities as they are mandated according to the work that they do as departments. This is putting a severe strain on the resources of the government. Because as we know the fiscus is already strained even as we speak. But we are working with the social partners to make sure that the communities that are affected do get assistance that will make them able to continue with their lives.”

Latest on fire in Eshowe, KZN

21 minutes ago