Eastern Cape approves land for relocation of flood-affected families


Connect Radio News

The Eastern Cape Environmental Affairs Department has finally approved land for the relocation of the hundred families who were left destitute by the floods that ravaged the area last month.

The affected residents at Lapland informal settlement were displaced and moved to temporary accommodation.

Nelson Mandela Bay metro spokesperson Sithembiso Soyaya says more than 100 families will be relocated to the Van Rooyen Avenue site.

“We will service the sites with basic services and then construct the temporary shelters, the long-term plan is to build proper houses in that area. We appeal to residents to work with the municipality to ensure that, no residents build a shack and live in the Lapland area and other flood pro areas within the area as these pose safety risks and hazards to human life, once we relocate the flood-affected residents we shall demolish the structures according to the approved application and no resident will be permitted to build and live in the area again.”

8 days ago