Eldorado Park residents blame justice system amid gang violence surge


Connect Radio News

Frustrated residents from Eldorado Park, south of Johannesburg, have blamed the justice system for continuing gang violence in the area. This after a spate of gang-related shootings in recent weeks.

In the latest incident on Saturday, one person was killed in what is considered a gang hit.

Eldorado Park CPF chairperson Dominique Palmer says the community is living in fear, as the alleged gunmen are being granted bail by the courts.

“I think personally our courts are failing us. I sit in court and I see the judges just give bail, a thousand rand bail for someone who shot someone, they killed someone. The community are scared. We need someone from government who will say listen here we will protect you but that’s only them who can say that they can protect us but so far I don’t think our community is protected.”

3 hours ago